
Second Novel Kanojo no Natsu 15Bun no K for PSP

Kanojo deuxième roman ne 15Bun Natsu no K
Second_Novel_JPN_PSP-Caravan [PSPUMD] «deuxième roman - une jeune fille et la minute Summer Memories-15" (version japonaise version de démonstration,!) [89MB] [ULJM-1] (l'édition japonaise)

«Les filles de l'été et le deuxième roman, minutes de la mémoire 15" (セgrades postéンドのノベHikaru ~ Binv été, à 15 minutes de mémoireの~) (second roman Kanojo no Natsu 15-BUN NO Kioku) (ULJM-1)

Nom du jeu: second roman: l'été jeune fille et les minutes de la mémoire 15 / deuxième roman: Girls of Summer minutes de la mémoire 15 / deuxième roman: elle été une minute de la mémoire 15 du nom japonais: gradesセpostéンドノベHikaru ~ Binvのd'été ~ 15 minutes de mémoireの
Nom anglais: second roman: Kanojo no Natsu, 15-Bun pas Kioku
Société de production: Nippon Ichi Software INC / TEXT
Agent de démoulage: Nippon Ichi Software INC
Genre: AVG - adventage Game (jeux d'aventure texte)
La capacité des transporteurs: UMD × 1
Correspondant d'accueil: Play Station Portable (プレイスンポTEーーシquotidienタブHikaru)
Version Langue: Japonais (édition japonaise)
Paru en date: Juillet 29, 2010 (bois Yao jour / jeudi)
Prix: UMD Version ¥ 5229 Prix: PS-Store Edition ¥ 4000 Site officiel:

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Description du jeu: (le texte suivant de « Raytheon Forum PSP Jeux "La collecte d'insectes par les fourmis!)
Selon une japonaise (Nippon Ichi Software) a annoncé que la date prévue de 29 Juillet 2010, à l'ordinateur de poche PSP de lancer un jeune, l'auto-exploration, de mystère et cognitive basée sur AVG nouvelle œuvre: «deuxième roman: une fille l'été et à 15 minutes de la mémoire "(second roman: Kanojo no Natsu, 15-Bun pas Kioku), version UMD du jeu est au prix de ¥ 5,229 (taxes incluses), PSN Télécharger Edition ¥ 4000. Un autre fonctionnaire à partir d'aujourd'hui a également lancé le site officiel de démo prévue pour le début et en Juin 2010, a également lancé à partir du PSN pour le contenu de cet élément avec la démo de Web démonstration ouverte pas les mêmes , les joueurs intéressés peuvent également prendre un premier coup d'oeil à un procès en vue de rendre le système de réglage plus familiers.

Tout d'abord, l'histoire de fond:
L'été étudiant en deuxième année du secondaire, Naoya perdu des choses importantes différents ─ ─ ─ amis, ses camarades de classe de l'école Yuichi toit s'est effondré, et ainsi disparu vie. En outre, il aime la jeune fille, Naoya a le béguin pour un champ camarade ─ ─ couleur ─, aussi, je suis Yuichi du toit de l'école et sauta à terre ... ... Yuichi et le champ de couleur est un ami d'enfance, et Naoya a été à l'école secondaire savent qu'ils les deux, et ainsi devenir de bons amis. Relations entre les amis apparemment ordinaires, mais depuis cet incident, Naoya la vie ordinaire d'études secondaires tout à coup interrompue.

Cinq ans plus tard, a conclu la communauté Naoya, au cours de l'été le retour à son alma mater. Marcher à l'école, parcourut de côté, le champ de couleur. De apparences sont devenus adultes, à la fois la couleur attire Naoya sauvages. Mais le champ de couleur, en raison des événements il ya cinq ans, mais j'ai des séquelles et des troubles de la mémoire, la mémoire après 17 ans de l'âge sont perdus, bien sûr, à l'école secondaire n'a pas conservé la mémoire. Pour l'instant, elle ne peut se souvenir des choses dans les 15 minutes, chaque perte de mémoire, serait très surpris en regardant la personne à côté, et a émis un doute, cette fois, face Naoya.

«Ah! Est-Naoya juin Quoi? Qu'est-il arrivé? Cette école ... ...?" Une fois, une fois de plus. Cet été, les deux décidé de se réunir à nouveau les efforts pour découvrir ce qui s'est passé il ya cinq ans, parce que la barrière est très vague souvenir de la couleur sur le terrain, a commencé à parler des choses qu'elle ne me souviens pas de ce que l'histoire commence ici ... ...

Blast OffPSP Minis for PSP

Minis OffPSP Blast
Blast_Off_USA_Minis_PSP-RH [PSPUMD] "lancement" (version US) [21 Mo] [NPUZ-00021 | C99E5B4A190558AF | 0001 | G] (ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE EDITION)

"Off" (BLAST OFF) (NPUZ-00021 | C99E5B4A190558AF | 0001 | G)

Nom du jeu: nom anglais hors <br />: Blast Off (PSP Minis)
Société de production: Studios Halfbrick.
Agent de démoulage: Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc
Genre: ACT - Jeu d'action (jeu d'action)
La capacité des transporteurs: UMD × 1
Correspondant d'accueil: Play Station Portable (PSP)
Langues: anglais (US version)
Date de sortie: Novembre 24, 2009 <br /> site officiel:
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Description du jeu: (le texte suivant de «Raytheon Forum PSP Jeux" La collecte d'insectes par les fourmis!)
"Off" (Blast Off) est un par le champ gravitationnel, les astronautes perdus et les caractéristiques étranges de la galaxie des jeux d'arcade interstellaire. Les joueurs de contrôler leur propre fusée et d'engins spatiaux de sauvetage des astronautes, et en toute sécurité les transporter jusqu'à la porte à travers le temps et l'espace. Mais s'il vous plaît soyez prudent! La gravité est partout dans le voyage du joueur à l'aide, peut aussi détruire les joueurs dans l'abîme.
écran de jeu: (PHOTO × 3)

Garnet ChronicleAstonishia Story 2 for PSP

Histoire ChronicleAstonishia Garnet 2
Garnet_Chronicle_DEMO_JPN_PSP-PSPPER [PSPUMD] "Garrett Chronicle - stellerite les pierres magiques" (version japonaise, la version démo.) [20 Mo] [NPJH-90012 | EB53F9B37C51DDE1 | 0001 | G] (l'édition japonaise, DEMO EDITION. )

Note spéciale:
Game, "Garrett Chronique: stellerite les pierres magiques" est plus à torsader noms langue première apparition dans le jeu "de la technologie pratique magazine 2008.8A, pièces de jeux de la revue, nous avons donc adopté ce nom!

Dynasty Warriors StrikeforceShin Sangok for PSP

Dynasty Warriors StrikeforceShin Sangok
Dynasty_Warriors_Strikeforce_EUR_PSP-pSyPSP [PSPUMD] "Dynasty Warriors - Strike Force (formerly: True ● Dynasty Warriors - joint raid)" (European version, including: English, French, German, etc., including San Guo language.) [944MB] [ULES -01221 | 2F4898200487779C | 0001 | G] (THE EUROPE EDITION, MULTILANGUAGE-3 INCLUDING: ENGLISH, FRENCH, DEUTSCH.)

"Dynasty Warriors Strike Force" (DYNASTY WARRIORS STRIKEFORCE) (ULES-01221 | 2F4898200487779C | 0001 | G)

Games Name: Dynasty Warriors: Strike Force / Dynasty Warriors: joint raid / Dynasty Warriors: combat forces English name: Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce (Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid)
Production companies: Omega Force (ω-Force)
Agent Release: KOEI Europe Inc.
Genre: ACT - Action Game (Action Game)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable (PSP)
Languages: English / French / German, etc. / with Sanguo Language (European Edition)
Issue date: May 1, 2009 (European Edition)
Official Website:
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Game Description: (the following from "ants pests - Raytheon PSP Games Forum")
British KOEI Europe Company issued, unparalleled production team Omega Force development, scheduled to be launched in Spring 2009. Exclusively by the PSP PSP popular movement strategy masterpiece: "Dynasty Warriors: Joint raid" ("Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce" also translated as: "Dynasty Warriors: Strike Force") of the game's official website has opened, and released a promotional video and massive multi-stage screen for the players you refer.

First, the "Monster Hunter type Warriors":
In the new PSP as "Dynasty Warriors: Joint raid" (Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce), each military officers in addition to their main weapon, you can also take several to the Deputy weapons, depending on the circumstances at any time choose to switch, so that fight change more diverse. That in the past, "Dynasty Warriors" series, although military commanders more than to arms, but a fight can only take one weapon, which must say is a big improvement. In addition, after the capture of enemy positions, can also be used to obtain material to produce decorations. Decorations are two broad categories, called "magic weapons" that could strengthen the military commanders of the movement, such as mobile instant like ability. Another called "war Jade", you can add various effects to the generals, such as the common property of such series. Also the download service will be provided for, allowing players to play to the new task or get a new prop. Even if no conditions of access to the Internet, you can also play via AD HOC from around the Friends get these things. (In AD HOC mode, all connected devices do not require the establishment of hot spots between the network equipment, but choose the same channel in the wireless device directly connected to form a peer network, in order to achieve close between the PSP online.) Now you probably understand why I called this as a "monster hunter Warriors", right?

Second, no one to ride when the 1000? !

Shepherds CrossingYoukoso HitsujiMura P for PSP

Shepherds CrossingYoukoso HitsujiMura P
Sheperds_Crossing_2_USA_PSP-PSPKiNG [PSPUMD] "Welcome to Sheep Village - Family Edition" (U.S. version) [156MB] [ULUS-10499 | E3CB3FFAADF58FB2 | 0001 | G] (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EDITION)

"Welcome to Sheep Village Family Edition" (SHEPHERDS CROSSING) (ULUS-10499 | E3CB3FFAADF58FB2 | 0001 | G)

Game Title: Welcome to Sheep Village: Family Edition / Welcome to Sheep Village: Portable Edition / welcome goat Village: Family Edition / Little Village Story: Family Edition English name: Only On PlayStation - Shepherd's Crossing (Youkoso Hitsuji-Mura Portable)
Production company: SUCCESS Corporation
Agent Release: Graffiti Entertainment
Genre: SLG - Simulation Game (simulation and a game)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable (PSP)
Languages: English (U.S. version)
Release date: May 11, 2010 <br /> Price: $: 29.99 U.S. dollars official website:

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Game Description: (the following from " Raytheon PSP Games Forum "Collecting insects by ants!)
U.S. game publisher Graffiti agency issued by the SUCCESS company production and distribution. Summer 2010, currently scheduled for sale in North America, the corresponding analog develop new PSP handheld for "Welcome to the Sheep Village: Family Edition" (Shepherd's Crossing), recently made the official website of this has officially opened, and released a multi-stage game New promotional video, and some pictures of information for you the player reference.

1, Series Synopsis:
The new PSP handheld as: "Welcome to the Sheep Village: Family Edition" (Shepherd's Crossing) and Marvelous games to develop the company's famous line: "Harvest Moon" (Bokujou Monogatari) is very similar, are based on simple rural farm Life won the majority of gamers agree. The player will play the role of a farmer, operated a ranch and farm their own. In the Ranch, the players can rely on planting crops, raising animals and other ways to profit. "Sheep Village" series in 2003 when the first sale on the PS2, and then in June 2008 after the landing will dramatically change the system NDS PSP, this will intensify after the final in May 2009 debut of the PSP palm machine, the game will fully inherit PS2 system, and integration of portable PSP handheld features, allows players to experience a return to the village sheep pastures new.

Shinseiki Evangelion Koutetsu no Girl F for PSP

Shinseiki Evangelion Koutetsu no Girl F
Shinseiki_Evangelion_-_Koutetsu_no_Girl_Friend_Special_Volume_JPN_PROPER_PSP-NRP [PSPUMD] "Neon Genesis Evangelion - Girlfriend of steel portable version of the special series" (Japanese edition, revised edition, revised version of the rear mirror Caravan missing data problem!) [291MB] [ULJM-05456 | 4EFDBFCDBAA49573 | 0001 | G] (THE JAPANESE EDITION)
NUKE: Shinseiki_Evangelion_Koutetsu_no_Girl_Friend_Special_Volume_JPN_PSP-Caravan [PSPUMD] "Neon Genesis Evangelion - Girlfriend of steel portable version of the special series" (Japanese Edition) [294MB] [ULJM-05456 | 4EFDBFCDBAA49573 | 0001 | G] (THE JAPANESE EDITION)

"Evangelion Iron girlfriend specially constructed portable version" (New Centuryエヴァンゲリオンsteel CITIZENのgaーHikaruフレンドspecial seriesポータブHikaru) (SHINSEIKI EVANGELION KOUTETSU NO GIRL FRIEND SPECIAL VOLUME) (ULJM-05456 | 4EFDBFCDBAA49573 | 0001 | G)

Game Name: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of steel portable version of the special series / Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of steel "special series" Family Edition / Neon Genesis Evangelion: Iron and Steel lover special arrangement to bring Edition Japanese Name: New Centuryエヴァンゲリオンのga steel CITIZENンドレーHikaruフ"Special Code>ポータブHikaru <br /> English title: Shinseiki: Evangelion Koutetsu no Girl Friend Special Volume (Limited Edition)
English name: Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Tokubetsu-Hen Portable (Limited Edition)
English name: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Tokubetsu-Hen Portable (Limited Edition)
English name: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Tokubetsuhen Portable (Limited Edition)
Production company: GAINAX CO., LTD. / Cyber Front
Agent release: Cyber Front
Genre: AVG - Adventage Game (text adventure games)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable (プレイスンポTEーーシNewspaperタブHikaru)
Language Version: Japanese (Japanese Edition)
Released by date: April 9, 2009 (wood Yao day / Thursday)
Price: 3,990 yen reference price is usually Edition: Limited Edition 6,090 yen official website:
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Game Description: (the following comes from "video game kiosks Bahamut" Collecting insects by ants!)
Japan CyberFront production, distribution, scheduled the spring of 2009, the PSP handheld platform to launch new video for AVG text adventure novels: "Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of steel portable version of the special series" (Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Tokubetsu-Hen Portable) . As is a transplant from the March 30, 2006 sale of the same name in the PS2 platform version of the game to "the girlfriend of steel" as the basis for strengthening the system and additional new scene of heavy plate. At present for the official site have also been opened and released the latest images and information of the game for the players you refer.

I. Synopsis:


SecretGamePortable for PSP

Secret Game Portable

[PSP] 2K10.06.06.Secret.Game.Portable.JAPANESE [secret game - to bring Edition] [AVG] [849MB] [JPN]

Secret_Game_Portable_JAP_PSP-STORMAN [PSPUMD] "secret game - bring Edition" (Japanese Edition) [849MB] [ULJM-05675 | FC96EB05B089FB44 | 0001 | G] (THE JAPANESE EDITION)

"Secret game to bring Edition" (クレーシッSuitesゲームPORTABLE) (SECRET GAME PORTABLE) (ULJM-05675 | FC96EB05B089FB44 | 0001 | G)

Game Name: Secret Games: Family Edition / Secret Games: Portable Edition Japanese name: クレーシッSuitesゲームPortable
English name: Secret Game Portable
Production company: Yeti / Regista / FLAT
Agent release: Yeti
Genre: AVG - Adventage Game (word puzzle adventure game)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable (プレイスンポTEーーシNewspaperタブHikaru)
Language Version: Japanese (Japanese Edition)
Released by date: May 27, 2010 (wood Yao day / Thursday)
Price: 6,090 yen official website:

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Game Description: (the following from " Raytheon PSP Games Forum "by the ants, insects collected more!)
Japanese game publisher Yeti company proxy issue, produced by the Regista development. Transplant Games since August 21, 2008 launch of the game in the PS2 platform, the "secret game: kill the Queen" (Secret Game: Killer Queen), the AVG for the PSP handheld puzzle adventure game text: "Secret Games: Family Edition" (Secret Game Portable). Games scheduled for sale in summer 2010, before Ben made the official site also has been officially opened, and put the game over the latest pictures and some information sheets, which I have the player as a reference.

PSP version of "Secret Games: Family Edition" (Secret Game Portable) is a transplant from the PS2 platform puzzle adventure game comes. The original series is based on PC platform in 2006, adapted and transplanted the same name fanfiction come. New works based on the original PS2 substantially improved the quality of work as production director of Sino-Ze plot involved the re-setting, performance, and therefore can be regarded as the completely new works. The original paintings were designed for PC version by the temple painter Christine a month to play, play by the surge in popularity in recent years, the health-speed charge. It is believed that this should be made in high quality.

PrinceofPersiaTheForgottenSands for PSP

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands

[PSP] 2K10.05.17.Prince.of.Persia.TFS [★ ★ Prince of Persia - The Sands of oblivion ★ ★] [ACT] [438MB] [USA]

Prince_of_Persia_The_Forgotten_Sands_USA_PSP-pSyPSP [PSPUMD] "Prince of Persia - The Sands of oblivion" (U.S. version) [438MB] [ULUS-10480 | 76ABDCDD215FEC68 | 0001 | G] (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EDITION)

"Prince of Persia The Sands of oblivion" (PRINCE OF PERSIA THE FORGOTTEN SANDS) (ULUS-10480 | 76ABDCDD215FEC68 | 0001 | G)

Game Title: Prince of Persia: The Sands of oblivion / 5 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Forgotten English name: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Production company: UBISOFT Montreal / UBISOFT Quebec City
Agent release: UBISOFT Entertainment.
Genre: ACT - Action Game (Action Game)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable / Play Station 3 / XBOX 360 / PC DVD-ROM / Nintendo Wii / Nintendo Dual Screen
Languages: English (U.S. version)
Release date: May 18, 2010 (PSP U.S. version)
Price: $: 39.99 U.S. dollars official website:

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Game Description: (the following from " Raytheon PSP Games Forum "by the ants, insects collected more!)
First, the original description:
Adaptation of the film by the game few success stories, but in May 2010 released "Prince of Persia: The Sands" (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time) should be a satisfying game film. The film production team from the investment to have reached a true level of the top large, and the production of films known as The Walt Disney Company will exceed the square, "Pirates of the Caribbean." During the film release, Ubisoft will also return to "The Sands of Time" trilogy, released between a story in "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" and "Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within" two games between the new work: "Prince of Persia: The Sands of oblivion" (Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands). New work will bring out the new game storyline, new characters, additional capacity and time reversal super power, will be the "Prince of Persia" series once again exploring new frontiers.

Second, the background story:

TheConveniPortable for PSP

The Conveni Portable

[PSP] 2K10.07.XX.The_Conveni_Portable [convenience store - carrying Edition] [SLG] [Japanese / ing] [JPN]

The_Conveni_Portable_JPN_PSP-Caravan [PSPUMD] "convenience store - carrying Edition" (Japanese version) [?? MB] [ULJM-05702] (THE JAPANESE EDITION)

"Convenience stores carry Edition" (コンザータブビthe writing isポHikaru) (THE CONVENI PORTABLE) (ULJM-05702)

Game Name: convenience stores: Portable Edition / convenience stores: Portable Edition Japanese name: コンザータブビthe writing isポHikaru <br /> English name: The Conveni Portable
Production company: HAMSTER / Masterpiece Co., LTD.
Agent release: HAMSTER Corporation
Genre: SLG - Simulation Game (business strategy game)
Carrier Capacity: UMD × 1
Corresponding host: Play Station Portable (プレイスンポTEーーシNewspaperタブHikaru)
Language Version: Japanese (Japanese Edition)
Released by date: July 8, 2010 (wood Yao day / Thursday)
Price: 5,229 yen official website:

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Game Description: (the following from " Raytheon PSP Games Forum "by the ants, insects collected more!)
Japanese game developer HAMSTER company recently announced the PSP handheld convenience store business simulation game "convenience stores: Family Edition" (The Conveni Portable) The specific release date, the game is currently scheduled for sale in summer 2010, the official website for the current has official opening, and put the game more than the latest images and information for the players you refer.

New PSP for "convenience store: Portable Edition" (The Conveni Portable) predecessor in the PC platform, much praise players, has a record breaking series of aggregate sales of 1.45 million sets of operating results of the popular convenience store simulation game "convenience store" (The Conveni ) series on the PSP handheld series released for the latest. The game players will play the manager of a convenience store, in addition to selling goods outside the shop to operate, but also through cooperation between enterprises in various ways to continuously increase their branches, to expand market share, so as to achieve chain system, the purpose of hegemony.

New for "convenience store: Portable Edition" included game modes include story constantly setting goals for each completed "activity patterns" (Campaign Mode), there are also the goals of the game players have fulfilled the "Challenge Mode" (Challenge Mode), there are players familiar with the game set the operation of "practice mode" (Tutorial Mode) three major types.

At the same time this will be the same as with the last series, again with one of Japan's major chain store "Lawson" to cooperate, so that players can store in the game their own furnishings Lawson convenience store's interior with the sale of goods, but also Lawson will be your exclusive story scheduled to debut to their home to experience, together with such as: icons on the 1st floor manager or water seepage in all types of emergencies, will become more lively and interesting throughout the game.

New work by the PSP handheld: "convenience stores: Family Edition" is currently scheduled to July 8, 2010 sale. Game sells for 5,229 yen (tax included). The new mini-challenges for a variety of tasks to be included, for a series of games like the new and old players can not miss the game.
Game screen: (PICTURE × 13)